*Art Logo representation for "Healthy Smiles of Haiti" non-profit chartiable organization
*City of Hamilton Arts Award Nominee (2004)
*Artworks for members of Canada's National Women's Soccer Team http://www.canadasoccer.com/home.aspm
*Selected as Judge for the City of Hamilton's contest "Street Canvas 2007
*Selected as Visual Art Judge (Visual Art Committee) for Art's Hamilton (City of Hamilton's Art Council) gallery exhibitions, 2005-2009
*Artwork "Alone" selected to represent women in poverty for "Canada Without Poverty" website
*Arts Speak about Poverty (2007) Tackling Poverty through the Arts, by Hamilton Public Library & Arts Hamilton ~ Artworks selected ~ Unsold Roses, Black Rose & Childs Dreams and exhibited at numerous venues for poverty awareness within Hamilton Inner City
*Educational Art Instructor (2004) Mother Teresa Elementary School, Hamilton, Ont.
Demonstrated a soft pastel painting to two elementary classes.
*The Bay Stores Solo Art Exhibition ~ Burlington Mall & Mapleview Mall (2008)
*The Theatre Aquarius, Hamilton, Ont. (2009) Art Exhibition during the holiday season’s live performances of White Christmas – November 2009 to January 2010
*Art Gallery of Hamilton ~Juried Exhibitions by WAAH (Spring-2007,2008,2009,2010)
AGH founded-1914, Ontario’s 3rd largest public art gallery. http://www.artgalleryofhamilton.on.ca/
*Raise funds for non-profit charitable organizations 2004-present in way of art donations
*Painting "To Dance" to be hung @ McMaster Children's Hospital.
(arranged by Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation)
*To Dance" painting published in Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation ~ 2010 Donor Report
*Young Oprah Winfrey painting published-Portrait of America -Oprah Winfrey:The Celebrity As Entrepreneur, Vol.II 10th edit. US, 2010
Authors: Stephen B. Oates & Charles J. Errico
*2011 Hamilton Women of Distinction Award
For the Arts, Entertainment and Creative Energy.
YWCA Awards recognizes women who have excelled,
broken barriers & made a difference for women/community.
*Exhibition (2011) South India-Calicut, Kerala
Engage in Exclusive Art Discussions
Meeting with Loretta Swit after performance "Shirley Valentine", Stagewest/Mississauga, Ont. (Oct.14, 2010)
Best known as Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, series M*A*S*H (1972 - 1983).
Discussion on life, art & her involvement in animal rights. Loretta is also a visual artist... she brought her water colour painting of a homeless dog, from an animal shelter organization which she firmly supports in the U.S. Profile @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loretta_Swit