Oct. 28th 2010
Hamilton Mountain News
Written by Gord Bowes

Sept. 29th 2010
The Hamilton Spectator
"While on the subject of Italian-Canadian artists,you can find Anna Sponer's portrait of a young Oprah Winfrey in Portrait of America by Stephen Oates and Charles Errico. And Anna's brother Charly Chiarelli has been invited for a second time to perform his one-man plays in Rome, Italy."
The above announcement was included with the article “Labour of love, love of labour, writ large”.
Featuring: Gino Cavicchioli – Sculptor
Written by:
Jeff Mahoney / Reporter, Art Columnist
Wed. Sept. 29, 2010
The Hamilton Spectator
Anna Sponer www.annasponer.com

Portrait of America
Oprah Winfrey: The Celebrity As Entrepreneur
Vol. II, 10th edition, United States,
Stephen Oates and Charles Errico
published in 2010, U.S.
Other profiles in this book include: Martin Luther King Jr., R. Reagan, Bill Gates, Jefferson to Obama, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman, Oppenheimer, Franklin & Eleanor,Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegiee, Betty Friedan... and much more
Articles 2005 - 2009

The Hamilton Spectator
April 27th 2005
Article written by
Elaine Hujer - Freelance writer for The Hamilton Spectator

Hamilton Mountain News -April 2005
Article written by Mark Newman - April 2005

Hamilton Mountain News & Guelph Tribune
March 20th 2009
Stoney Creek News
March 13th 2009
written by
Gord Bowes, Senior Editor
The Hamilton Spectator - May 12, 2008
Quote written by
Regina Haggo - Art columnist
Former professor of Art History
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
The Art Gallery of Hamilton Annual Juried Exhibition
"A more enigmatic narrative is at the heart of Anna Sponer's "Alone". A woman sits on the floor in the corner of a room. She does not look at the viewer. Even her bare arms and legs crossed near the ankles seem to shut us out."